EPCIA is THE most influential platform for passive component manufacturers being active in Europe, from capacitors, resistors and inductors to EMC products and SAW filters. EPCIA represents, promotes and defends the vital interests of its member companies in Europe and helps them to remain competitive in the European as well as global market place.
Who is eligible?
In order to be eligible for an EPCIA membership, the applicant organisation must be present in the European Union or Switzerland in one of the following manners:
- companies manufacturing & selling passive components
- national associations representing such companies
- technological research institutes active in the field of passive components
Membership benefits
Members of EPCIA have access to the European Passive Components Statistics (“EPC-eStat”), where currently 30 companies actively participate. It is the only representative and comprehensive passive components statistics programme in Europe, covering capacitors (alu, film, ceramic, tantalum, supercaps), resistors (linear and non-linear), as well as inductors (transformers, wirewound, non-wirewound and ferrite beads) and EMC products.
In addition, EPCIA participates in the World Passive Components Trade Statistic (WPTS) and has full access to corresponding reports, covering market trends in Japan, China, the Americas, EMEA and the Asia-Pacific region. EPCIA members meet twice a year, usually in spring and autumn, and hold a half-day meeting with intensive discussions, presentations and guest speeches related to the passive components industry.
During EPCIA spring meetings, members will be informed about market developments of the last three years for capacitors, resistors, inductors and EMC products in Europe based on the results of the EPC-eStat data. To ensure the strict adherence to compliance requirements, a specialised lawer joins the meetings.
Presentations from guest speakers at EPCIA meetings also cover new developments, especially in the field of mobility, energy and the overall electronics industry.
How to join?
Applicant organisations have to complete one of the following applications forms:
Please return the completed and signed application form to:
Marcus Dietrich, PhD
Secretary EPCIA
E-Mail: info@epcia.org