The semiconductor industry is one of the most innovative industrial sectors in Europe. Semiconductors provide the key enabling technology for thousands of products we use every day, such as computers, mobile phones, medical devices, cars, but also wind turbines, photovoltaic panels, or heat pumps. They truly play an indispensable role in a wide assortment of innovative technologies and industries. The rapid growth in the capacity, increased functionality and speed of semiconductors has enabled tremendous innovations and improvements across all sectors of the economy.
To quote European Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton: “Without chips, no digital transition, no green transition, no technological leadership.”[1] Semiconductor drive innovations and enable sustainable, smart, and inclusive growth across the European Union, and will continue to make an essential contribution to the development of products to face major societal challenges such as increased energy efficiency, ageing society and mobility. The lack of global level playing field vis-à-vis other dominant regions of semiconductor production and the EU framework conditions in relation to investment and funding incentives play an important role in Europe's attractiveness for the semiconductor industry.
Christian Wiebus - NXP Semiconductors
January 2024: ESIA Position on the “EU Talent Pool” Proposal
October 2023: Joint Industry Statement entitled “The Revision of the Directive on Liability for Defective Products should strike a fair balance to support innovation”
October 2023: ESIA Position on the “Net-Zero Industry Act”
September 2023: ESIA Position on the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP): European Commission proposal
September 2023: ESIA Position on the “Cyber Resilience Act” implementation in the semiconductor industry
July 2023: ESIA Position on the necessity to add certain raw materials to Annex I and II of the “Critical Raw Materials Act”
June 2023: ESIA Position on the “Critical Raw Materials Act”
June 2023: ESIA Comments on the ITRE Draft Report to the “Net-Zero Industry Act”
June 2023: ESIA welcomes the approval of the second IPCEI on Microelectronics
May 2023: Joint Statement on “Access to data by public bodies: a double-edge tool to use with caution and restraint”
May 2023: ESIA Feedback on the “Net-Zero Industry Act”
February 2023: Joint Industry Statement: “The Data Act is a leap into the unknown”
October 2022: ESIA Position on the Data Act
October 2022: ESIA Guidance on Pillar 3 of the “EU Chips Act” – Emergency Toolbox the European Semiconductor Board
May 2022: ESIA Feedback to the call for evidence on the Single Market Emergency Instrument (SMEI)
May 2022: ESIA Feedback to the public consultation on the European Chips Act package
May 2022: ESIA / SIA Joint Position on “Guiding Principles for EU-U.S. Semiconductor Standardisation Cooperation”
April 2022: Joint Industry Statement: “Digital and semiconductor sectors urge EU leaders to swiftly adopt the EU Chips Act”
March 2022: ESIA Position Paper on “A Chips Act for the European Union”
February 2022: Commission Communication: “A Chips Act for Europe”
February 2022: Proposal for a “Regulation establishing a framework of measures for strengthening Europe's semiconductor ecosystem (Chips Act)”
October 2021: ESIA Position on “EU / U.S. cooperation on semiconductor standardisation”
January 2021: Global Semiconductor Industry Calls on Nations to Prioritize Essential Supply Chain Operations For Vaccine Distribution
December 2020: Joint Declaration of EU Member States: “A European Initiative on Processors and semiconductor technologies”
September 2020: U.S. House of Representatives’ China Task Force Report
September 2020: ITIF Report on “An Allied Approach to Semiconductor Leadership”
September 2020: SIA Study on “Government Incentives and US Competitiveness in Semiconductor Manufacturing”
July 2020: ESIA Position Paper on the Union Rolling Work Programme for European Cybersecurity Certification
February 2020: ESIA Position Paper on the upcoming EU Industry Strategy
December 2019: OECD Trade Policy Paper on “Measuring distortions in international markets: The semiconductor value chain”
November 2019: Commission Report on “Strengthening Strategic Value Chains for a future-ready EU industry” (+ detailed recommendations)
April 2019: Independent High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence: Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI
December 2018: Commission Press Release on “State aid: Commission approves plan by France, Germany, Italy and the UK to give €1.75 billion public support to joint research and innovation project in microelectronics”
June 2018: “Boosting Electronics Value Chains in Europe”
April 2018: The ‘Rüttgers Report’: “Re-finding Industry – Defining Innovation”
October 2017: GEAR 2030 Final Report
July 2017: The ‘Lamy Report’: “LAB – FAB – APP: Investing in the European future we want”
February 2017: Industry in Europe – Facts & figures on competitiveness & innovation 2017
August 2016: Digitising the Industry: Internet of Things Connecting the Physical, Digital and Virtual Worlds
April 2016: ESIA Position Paper: “The Semiconductor Industry in Europe - A Key Enabler for Trusted IoT Solutions”
January 2016: European Cybersecurity Industry Leaders – Recommendations on Cybersecurity for Europe
December 2015: Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) Observatory – Second Report
June 2015: KETs: Time to Act. High-Level Expert Group on Key Enabling Technologies – Final Report
May 2015: Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) Observatory – First Annual Report
January 2015: CATRENE Scientific Committee: Semiconductor Technologies for Smart Cities
September 2014: GSA / Oxford Economics Report on “Enabling the Hyperconnected Age – The role of semiconductors”
July 2014: Electronic Leaders Group (ELG): A European Industrial Strategic Roadmap for Micro- and Nano-Electronic Component and Systems – Implementation Plan
March 2014: High-Level Expert Group on Key Enabling Technologies: KETs for a competitive Europe
February 2014: Electronic Leaders Group (ELG): A European Industrial Strategic Roadmap for Micro- and Nano-Electronic Components and Systems
December 2013: Commission Study on the Competitiveness of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Industry – Final Report
December 2013: Electronic Leaders Group (ELG) state of play: “Select industry group updates the roadmap on making Europe big in electronics”
November 2013: Center for Data Innovation: “the internet of things”
August 2013: Commission Study on Strategies for innovative and effective ICT Components and Systems Manufacturing in Europe
August 2013: Commission Study on a Comparison of European and non-European regional clusters in KETs – the case of semiconductors
July 2013: High-Level Expert Group on Key Enabling Technologies – Status Implementation Report
May 2013: Commission Communication: “A European Strategy for Micro- and Nano-Electronic Components and Systems”
November 2011: ESIA Position on Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) for Europe
June 2011: High-level Expert Group on Key Enabling Technologies – Final Report
April 2011: ESIA Response to the Commission Green Paper “From Challenges to Opportunities: Towards a Common Strategic Framework for EU Research and Innovation funding”
April 2011: ESIA Position Paper on European Funding for Cross-Border Cooperation
February 2011: ESIA Press Release on R&D Intensity Scoreboard Results
November 2008: ESIA 2008 Competitiveness Report: “Mastering Innovation – Shaping the Future” (+ executive summary)
November 2008: IBM Smarter Planet
[1] European Commission (08/02/2022). Digital sovereignty: Commission proposes Chips Act to confront semiconductor shortages and strengthen Europe's technological leadership, Press corner.